• Date & Time: April 19, 2024

  • Location: Pepe'ekeo Park, located directly across from the Onomea Country Market.

  • Setup Time: 7am-8:30am. All vehicles must vacate the market area by 8.45am.

  • Breakdown Time: 3pm


  • Each booth space is for a 10x10ft pop-up tent.

  • Vendors must provide their own tables, chairs, tents, displays, and other necessary materials.

  • If approved by the Organizer, a certain number of vendors may be able to bring two tents/reserve two booth spaces. It will be reserved upon payment & upon organizers approval only.

  • All booths must have a tent and allow space for customers to step in from the elements (sun/rain)

  • No electricity is provided. Batteries may be used for power, and generators are allowed for food vendors in the food section only.

  • Booth assignments will be determined by the Organizer.


  • The fee for participation is [$0] for educational booths not selling on this day,[$50] for educational booths that ARE selling, and [$70] for any other vendors selling individually or [$90] for a shared corner booth. Payable by [March 25, 2025]. This includes the $30/booth fee required by the Department of Parks and Rec.

  • No refunds will be made after April 1st, 2025.


  • Vendors may sell the products that were initially approved by organizer. 

  • Vendors must comply with all local health and safety regulations.

  • Permits & Licenses: Vendors must be able to provide a copy of their GE license and sign a vendor form upon acceptance. These are required by the Depot of Parks and Recreation.

  • Food vendors who are preparing food onsite and don’t have an existing Food Permit must ensure that their Special Events Food permit is secured and available to show at the event should they be requested. Vendors of homemade exempt products do not need a Special Events Permit from the DOH but food products must be packaged and cannot be prepared on site.


  • Electricity is not provided, battery use is allowed, generators are only for food vendors

  • If cooking using an open flame, ensure that the station is is at the back of the tent, away from customers. Ensure that all open flames are safely off/not lighted when not in use. And all that any hot materials is removed at end of the day and not deposited in any of the event waste bins provided. Ensure your own containers are available to remove hot materials off site.


  • Organizers and faculty of organizers are not liable for loss, theft, or damage of Exhibitor/Vendor’s goods.

  • Exhibitor/Vendor agrees that Makeke & it’s organizers or staff volunteers will not be responsible for the safe-keeping of equipment, supplies, written material or other valuable items left on or around Makeke premises. 

  • Exhibitor/Vendor at this Mākeke , is responsible for securing any such aforementioned items and hereby assumes responsibility for loss thereof. 

  • Exhibitor/Vendor may not rely on any verbal or written assurances provided by any staff, other than what is written and provided in this Agreement. 

  • Property of Exhibitor/Vendor is the sole responsibility of Exhibitor/Vendor and/or its owner. Exhibitor/Vendor assumes all responsibility for its products, equipment, and employees.

  • Exhibitor/Vendor agrees to hold harmless the Organizer, venue, and staff from any liability arising from participation.

  • Exhibitor/Vendor agrees to add Project Kanu as a third party insured in their insurance policy.


  • Vendors may not pack up or leave before the official departure or cleanup time.

  • Only food vendors may park their vehicles behind their tents

  • DISTURBANCES: Vendor agrees that its use of assigned vendor space will not create any unreasonable disturbance to other guests or meetings. Such as: excessive noise/sound, music (if not authorized previously to use during event hours), vibrations, smoke, fog, offensive smells, offensive language, picketing, or any other form of protest.

  • Vendors must must provide their own trash bags and remove all trash and leave their space clean as they had came into the event.

  • Failure to clean up will result in a cleaning fee of [$40].


  • PHOTO & VIDEO RELEASE: Vendors consent to the use by the Mākeke of said Organizer(s), of any videos, photographs, or audio recordings reproduced either in whole or in part from the video, photograph or audio recording regardless of whether these materials are used for promotional, advertising, publicity, or any other purpose on behalf of Project Kanu and Onomea Farm Hub.

  • Vendors must comply with signage rules (e.g., no oversized banners or obstructive displays).

  • Vendors may also tag Organizers, in appropriate postage or content on Social Media, from said event on April 19th. 


  • All vehicles used for loading and unloading must be removed from the loading area as quickly as possible. 

  • NO TENTS are set-up, or products displayed, until AFTER YOUR VEHICLE is unloaded and parked safely in designated parking areas.

  • Do not to obstruct traffic, block fire zones or delay other exhibitors in their unloading and set-up efforts please adhere to these guidelines.

  • Vendors may start setting up as early as 7am. We suggest arriving by at least 7:30am to be complete with setup by 8.30am. 

  • 9am showing up to Mākeke, is a no-go.


  • PLEASE bring your own 10x10 tent, and displaying items for your products. Please keep area clean and prepare for any wind or potential rain that may come through.


  • By typing your name into the application form you agree to accept all terms and conditions on this page.