A Market to Honor Sustainability

Join Our Makeke (Market)!

Saturday, April 19th, 2025 

We are the market at the Lā Honua Earth Day Festival and we are accepting applications from exhibitors and vendors who educate or practice sustainability.

PLEASE NOTE: This is an ʻohana event so booths hosting keiki activities, are encouraged & prioritized. Mahalo nui.

Applications open on Feb 25th at 5pm.

Event Details 

Location: Pepe’ekeo Park at 28-1084 Mamalahoa Hwy, Pepeekeo, HI, 96783.

Date: Saturday, April 19th, 2025

Time: 9am to 3pm

Arrival/break-down times: 

  • 7am-8.30am is set-up

  • 3pm - 4pm breakdown time

Application Timeline

February 25: Applications open.

March 24: Applications are closed.

March 25: Vendors/Exhibitors notified + booth assignments

March 31: Vendor fees due

Booth Fees

(please note that fees include the Parks & Rec mandatory fee of $30 which we are working to get the green light to dedicate those towards park facilities that will support the set up of a farmers market in Pepeʻekeo Park on the Scenic Route)

$0 - an educational/non-profit booth who is not selling.

$50 - an educational/non-profit booth who is selling.

$70 - an individual vendor who is selling.

$90 - a corner booth (up to 2 vendors allowed) who is selling

  • If applying to share a corner booth, put down both names in the application. Sharing a booth is only for corner booths which are limited.

  • Please list if a 2nd booth space is desired incase we end up with extra space. The same additional fee will apply.

Educational Keiki Booths & Activities

You are welcome, and even encouraged to hold a booth space for any keiki activities, educational outreach, flyers for your programs, any outreach opportunities you may offer, and any other fun materials that support our "Sustainability" theme! Even if you do not sell products. It’s greatly appreciated for the Makeke atmosphere & appreciation of Earth Day to have you here, with Project Kanu.

Mahalo nui and a hui hou!

Where at?



Pepeʻekeo Park

28-1084 Mamalahoa Hwy,

Pepeʻekeo, HI, 96783.

Saturday, April 19th , 9am to 3pm

Vendor set-up
7am to 8:30am

Vendor break-down

At 3pm

Right across from:


  • Onomea Country Market

  • Piʻilani Kitchen

  • The Lei Bar & Flower Shop


To Our Valued Contributors and Esteemed Colleagues,

A special mahalo nui loa to our beloved farmers in Hāmākua, across Hawai‘i Island, and throughout our neighboring islands. Your dedication and hard work are the foundation of sustainability in our communities. It is through your efforts that a thriving, regenerative future remains possible. We are deeply grateful for your contributions and unwavering commitment to the land and the people.

Nui ke aloha!